Latin Word of the Week
PRESENTING: PRAYER AFTER MEALS Hosted by Jesús Ángel Miguel Garcia
PRESENTING: PRAYER AFTER MEALS Hosted by Jesús Ángel Miguel Garcia
Presenting an all new feature on Magnificat Media/Radio…The Latin Word of the Week hosted by Jesús Ángel Miguel Garcia.
We have a special guest today that decided to stick her neck out and call it like it is.
www.romanitaspress.com In this episode Louis discusses the profound significance of why the celebrant kisses the altar several times during the Roman Mass.
www.romanitaspress.com In this episode, Louis Tofari continues his talk on the prayers at the foot of the Altar. From the Antiphon through Psalm 42 and forward. Mr. Tofari goes in depth with the rubrics...
In this episode, Louis Tofari explains the Latin meaning of the word “Pentecost”. Louis also takes a detailed look at the Chant, Prayers and deep, Liturgical significance surrounding the Mass at Pentecost. ENJOY!
Many may think that this traditional Roman Mass, from the 1962 Missale Romanum, is identical to the form used during the time of Pope St. Gregory the Great or even of Pope St. Peter.
Did you know that Latin was not always used as the liturgical language?
What is a rite? In general, the manner and form of a religious function.
“Your Morning Tradition”, Friday, July 24th- IN THIS SHOW: Weather, History & Saint of the Day – Planned Parenthood (selling parts) – Fr. Joseph Wood (Latin) – “Things Chivalrous Gentlemen Do” 1st HALF 2nd...
“YMT” In This Show: History & Saint of the Day – Christine Meinholz (Missions pt1) – Christine M. (Missions pt2) – Fr. Joseph Wood (Latin) – “Best Age To Get Married” 1st HALF 2nd...
Tuesday, July 21st- IN THIS SHOW: This Day in History – Saint of the Day – Mark Schoberle “Our Lady of Good Success Academy” – Michael Murphy “Latin Word” – The 100 Yr Old...