The Pope vs. The King
Ask your local novus ordo priest or Bishop about the Social Kingship of Christ. Seriously. Do it. Chances are you’ll be greeted with a blank stare looking back at you. Such is the sad...
Ask your local novus ordo priest or Bishop about the Social Kingship of Christ. Seriously. Do it. Chances are you’ll be greeted with a blank stare looking back at you. Such is the sad...
In this "Church & State" episode, Stephen Kokx talks briefly about the European Union and then shares his thoughts on Cdl. Muller’s remarks about the Society of St. Pius X needing to “accept Vatican...
May 17, 2016- “Your Morning Tradition” on Magnificat Radio (www.magnificatmedia.com). In this show, Mike & Lisa talk to Greg Vanderwoude about his conversion story and how he came to be a Traditional Catholic then...
Padre Pio was a Capuchin Monk born in 1887 in Pietrelcina, Italy. He suffered many physical maladies and was sickly throughout his life.
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person and her family: Please bless Rose with healing and a complete recovery from her surgery. Guide her medical team to provide the...
Stephen talks briefly about the European Union and then shares his thoughts on Cdl. Muller’s remarks about the Society of St. Pius X needing to “accept Vatican II” before they are fully “regularized.”
“Your Morning Tradition” on www.magnificatmedia.com – Mike & Lisa Austin talk about the anniversary of the 1st Fatima apparition. Then, today’s guest is Gemma Drury from England via Skype. Gemma talks about modesty and...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers in thanksgiving for a prayer received: I am so happy right now that I have my family back together again.
Cdl. Gerhard Müller is the head of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. Not long ago, he granted an interview to a German newspaper, during which he provided some rather candid remarks regarding...
This prayer is abridged from a prayer composed by Archbishop Carroll, A.D. 1800, for the United States of America…
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following family: Please pray for wisdom, favor, blessings. protection, and good health for Stacey, Brent, Mary Hope, Whitten, Asher, Margaret, Ann Elizabeth, Steven, Nancy,...
While speaking at Cambridge University recently, Cdl. Kurt Koch, the president of the noxious Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity, said the following:
The fruit of the Holy Ghost…The honoring of the REAL presence of Jesus Christ in the Holy Eucharist…This is what a Corpus Christi procession is all about.
In this episode, Louis Tofari explains the Latin meaning of the word “Pentecost”. Louis also takes a detailed look at the Chant, Prayers and deep, Liturgical significance surrounding the Mass at Pentecost. ENJOY!
Last week, One Peter Five reported that Pope Emeritus Benedict told a priest friend of his that there are elements of the Third Secret of Fatima that have not yet been disclosed. The story became...
PRAYER REQUEST Please be generous in your prayers for the following person and their family: Please pray for the repose of my sisters mother-in laws soul. She died from the stroke months ago. She was not...
On May 6th, Bp. Athanasius Schneider of Kazakhstan spoke at the Third International Rome Life Forum. The good Bishop discussed, among other things, deception, the need for clarity, St. Pope Pius X and Fulton Sheen’s...
Does Pope Francis believe the Social Kingship of Christ is a form of colonialism? Apparently, he does. In that wide ranging May 9th interview with the French paper La Croix, the Holy Father said...
“I would say the UK are better off without the European Union personally, but I’m not making that as a recommendation, just my feeling.” Those are the wise words of Donald J. Trump.
Stephen discusses the “Never Trump” movement as well as why Traditional Catholics can and should appreciate The Donald’s candidacy