In the 17th century Our Lady appeared to a Spanish Conceptionist nun,
The Venerable Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, one of the Founding Mothers of the Convent of the Immaculate Conception in Quito, Ecuador. During her life of 72 years, Mother Mariana received many apparitions and favors from Our Lady, who revealed important facts in the History of the Church. The Virgin Mary also told her to have a statue of Our Lady of Good Success made to be a protection for the whole world in the turbulent times to come.
Our Lady told Mother Mariana a great crisis in the Church would begin in the 20th century, and that only then would the devotion to Our Lady of Good Success become known because it would be the remedy for that crisis. To atone for the many profanations, blasphemies, and abuses and to hasten the day of the triumphant restoration of the Catholic Church, Mother Mariana was asked to become an expiatory victim for those times, which are ours.
Announcement from the Franciscan Conceptionists of Quito, Ecuador: 25 years after the Canonical Coronation of the venerated image of Our Blessed Mother of Good Success, we celebrate with full devotion and thanksgiving to God, the SILVER ANNIVERSARY of this great event, pleading not only for abundant blessings for the city of Quito and for the whole of Ecuador but also for the whole world.
February 2, 2016
25th Anniversary of the Canonical Coronation
of the Sacred Statue of Our Lady of Good Success
of Quito, Ecuador
the Declaration of the Church of the Monastery of the Immaculate Conception
as an Archdiocesan Marian Shrine
Dawn Rosary Procession with the Sacred Statue of Our Lady of Good Success
Please Note:
Dawn Rosary Procession at 5am from January 24 to February 2.
The Original Statue of Our Lady of Good Success will process at the Dawn Rosary Procession on February 2.
Schedule Of Events for January 22 – February 3, 2016
Friday, January 22: 4:00pm – The transfer of the Sacred Image of Our Lady of Good Success in solemn procession from her throne of the Upper Choir to the main altar of the church.
Saturday, January 23: 7:00am; 10:30am; 12:00pm; 5:30pm – Holy Mass and Novena
Sunday, January 24 – Monday, February 1
5:00am – Rosary Dawn Procession
7:00am; 10:30am – Holy Mass and Novena
7:00am; 10:30am; 12:00pm; & 5:30pm – Sunday Holy Mass and Novena
Tuesday, February 2, DAY OF THE FEAST
After the Rosary Dawn Procession – Blessing of Candles; 7:00am – Holy Mass; 10:30am – Solemn Mass of the Feast
Wednesday, February 3
The transfer of the Sacred Image of Our Lady of Good Success in solemn procession from the main altar of the church to her throne in the Upper Choir.
More details of the program of the feast shall be announced later. To find out more visit this link: OFFICIAL SITE of Our Lady of Good Success