Please be generous in your prayers for the following person: Fr. Gruner prayed everyday for my granddaughter HALEY. He was with her on her fifth birthday. He was deeply concerned about her. All the Fatima staff loved HALEY. She is surrounded by folks against the church. But her first five years she was filled with love for the blessed mother etc etc. May 1st she is making her first holy communion but has NO spiritual supports around her. I ask you to ask those who loved Fr. Gruner to pray for her and perhaps send her a first communion card, and ask her to pray for everyone doing Fr. Gruner’s work now. HALEY use to take Fr. Gruner’s picture to bed with her. She loved him soooooo much. Here is her address Haley H: 4676 Turney Rd. Garfield Hts, Ohio 44125 Thanks