Origin of the Latin Liturgical Rite
What is a rite? In general, the manner and form of a religious function.
What is a rite? In general, the manner and form of a religious function.
What is Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament?
“Your Morning Tradition”, Friday, July 24th- IN THIS SHOW: Weather, History & Saint of the Day – Planned Parenthood (selling parts) – Fr. Joseph Wood (Latin) – “Things Chivalrous Gentlemen Do” 1st HALF 2nd...
“YMT” In This Show: History & Saint of the Day – Christine Meinholz (Missions pt1) – Christine M. (Missions pt2) – Fr. Joseph Wood (Latin) – “Best Age To Get Married” 1st HALF 2nd...
The earliest known practice of honoring the dead dates back to the late 2nd century.
Immediately before the principal Sunday Mass, the celebrant, wearing a cope and
Below you will see what a maniple looks like but have you ever wondered why the priest wears it?