“Learning About the Roman Liturgy” – (May 19-Kissing The Altar)
www.romanitaspress.com In this episode Louis discusses the profound significance of why the celebrant kisses the altar several times during the Roman Mass.
www.romanitaspress.com In this episode Louis discusses the profound significance of why the celebrant kisses the altar several times during the Roman Mass.
www.romanitaspress.com In this episode, Louis Tofari continues his talk on the prayers at the foot of the Altar. From the Antiphon through Psalm 42 and forward. Mr. Tofari goes in depth with the rubrics...
www.magnificatmedia.com In this episode of “Learning About The Roman Liturgy”, Louis Tofari discusses, in depth, the prayers at the foot of the altar. This is part 1 of a 2 part show. the second...
I saw water coming forth from the temple on the right side, alleluia: and all those to whom this water came were saved, and shall say, alleluia.
The sanctuary is the holiest part of the church, and it symbolically represents Heaven.
The origin of the custom of making and blessing the Paschal Candle has been attributed by some writers to Pope St. Zosimus, who ascended the throne of Peter in the year 417
The first three days of Holy Week have a special contribution to the overall theme of the week
According to the book History of the Mass, the fourth Sunday of Lent is what is known as the “Sunday of the Golden Rose”, from a custom observed at Rome of blessing a rose...
Every year the church goes through this; starting from the beginning of the Easter season of the liturgical year the Church has followed our Lord’s footsteps in the course of His apostolic ministry.
In the early church it is most likely that only one linen cloth was used to serve as both altar-cloth and corporal.
Vesture. It means an item of clothing; garment; attire. That’s what linen cloths are for the Chalice.
Like everything else there is a proper way to decorate the church altars.
Wouldn’t it be lovely to spend Christmas Eve and Christmas Day in Bethlehem visiting the very spots our Lord was more than 2,000 years ago?
“Learning About the Roman Liturgy” with Louis Tofari – Louis talk about changes that have occured in the Roman Mass throughout it’s history. All content and materials available on this web site are...
“Learning About the Roman Liturgy” with Louis Tofari – The use of Latin in the Roman Liturgy. All content and materials available on this web site are protected by copyrights, trademarks, service marks,...
“Learning About the Roman Liturgy” with Louis Tofari examines the Liturgical Rites of the West vs the East. All content and materials available on this web site are protected by copyrights, trademarks, service...
The sanctuary is the holiest part of the church, and it symbolically represents Heaven.
The word “church” refers to a public place of worship and is derived from the Old Saxon word of kirika which is similar to the modern German word, kirche.
What are liturgical books?
Did you ever happen to wonder…why so many colors in the Roman Liturgy?